What Should I Do After My Dental Bridge Falls Out?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sonriadentista @ 11:48 pm
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Dental bridges are excellent ways for many patients to restore their smile after losing a few adjacent teeth. However, these prosthetic devices can fall off under certain circumstances. There are many reasons why a dental bridge may fall off, and it’s important to contact an emergency dentist to schedule repairs after it happens. Here’s a brief guide to what to do until you can get to the dentist’s office after your dental bridge falls out.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a prosthetic dental device with several artificial teeth in a row. This device is usually held in place by dental crowns attached to the teeth on either side of the space in the smile. This allows a patient to restore their smile after losing several teeth in a row, but the bridge must be kept clean to stay healthy. Food that gets trapped underneath the bridge or the crowns can breed bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to a dental bridge breaking.

Why Do Dental Bridges Fall Out?

A dental bridge can fall off for many reasons, some of them being:

Tooth decay

If the teeth supporting the crowns that anchor the bridge develop decay, the crowns will have to be removed and the infection will have to be treated before the bridge can be reattached. However, if tooth decay under a crown goes untreated, it can eventually destroy the bond between the tooth the crown, causing the bridge to come loose. It can also lead to tooth loss.


Similarly to tooth decay, traumatic injuries can break the teeth supporting the bridge. This can happen due to sporting injuries, falls, and other unfortunate occurrences.

An improper bite

A dental bridge should be positioned so it distributes the force of chewing evenly across itself, but improper placement can cause some parts of the bridge to absorb more stress than others. Over time, this can cause the bridge to break or come loose. In some cases, this happens as the result of teeth grinding.

What Should I Do After My Dental Bridge Falls Out?

Call your dentist as soon as you can after your bridge falls out. If your bridge has become completely dislodged, secure it and keep it in a safe area so you can bring it to your appointment. Until then, avoid chewing with the part of the mouth that is supposed to be wearing the bridge. This will avoid aggravation and injury until you can make it to the office for repairs.

About the Author

Dr. Deepti Namineni earned her dental doctorate from the prestigious New York University School of Dentistry in 2012 and started working at private practices shortly afterward. She is fascinated with all the different ways dentistry can improve a patient’s quality of life. Her office in Arlington, TX offers general, cosmetic, emergency, and restorative dentistry such as dental bridges. If your dental bridge has fallen out, dial (682) 900-2616 or contact the office online.

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